A Conversation with Novelist, Winnie M Li (AB’00)

Writing Fiction, Writing #MeToo

A Conversation with Novelist Winnie M Li (AB 2000)

It’s been five years since the Weinstein allegations rocked the public consciousness, but how can we incorporate the reality of #MeToo into thought-provoking and original fiction?

Join us for an exclusive conversation with award-winning author and activist Winnie M Li about her latest novel COMPLICIT, which The New York Times calls a ‘harrowing thriller… timely and thoroughly book club-worthy.’ The book draws equally upon her experiences as a film producer in London in the early 2000s, as well as her more recent work as a feminist activist and writer. Through a discussion, readings, and Q&A we’ll explore how mass-produced narratives can continue to challenge our perspective on issues like gender and racial inequality, sexual harassment, and inclusivity in the film industry and other workplaces.

The evening will take place at the headquarters of leading publishing house Hachette. Ticket includes wine and soft drinks.

(Tickets must be purchased by 10 November as a list of attendees will need to be provided for security reasons.) Limited seating.

£12 for members, £15 for non-members;
hardback copies of the book (+£15 each) are available to pre-order for signing and personalising on the day. Kick start your holiday shopping!

Sold Out

Date & Time

Monday, 14 November 2022
6pm – 8pm


Hachette UK
Carmelite House
50 Victoria Embankment

Tickets must be purchased by 10 November

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