Chinese New Year Cook-Along (Zoom event hosted by HCUK and St. Paul’s Girls’ School)

Harvard Club of the United Kingdom & St. Paul’s Girls’ School, London invite you to a

Chinese New Year Cook-Along

To welcome the Chinese New Year of the Tiger, Ms Jane Zeng (Head of Chinese, St. Paul’s Girls’ School) will be hosting a cook-along of a Chinese meal for HCUK and SPGS families. Ms. Zeng will demonstrate the preparation of a delicious Chinese meal. She will also provide commentary and answer questions live as people cook along at home.

We will share the menu and shopping list at least a week ahead of time.

If younger members of your family are cooking along, a parent / guardian must take overall responsibility for safety and hygiene in the kitchen and provide a level of supervision that you deem appropriate for your child’s age and cooking experience. All participants will have to assume responsibility for taking account of any allergies in their households.

We hope you enjoy cooking along!

Online, Sold Out

Date & Time

Sunday, 13 February 2022



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